Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kay's Top Ten Splurges

Editor's Note: Today my outfit is a Rag & Bone skirt, Joie blouse, Cole Haan belt and Bettye Muller kitten heels.

As you can probably tell, there are definitely parts of my life in which I try to be cost effective---Like the fact that I cook dinner every night. Even the most gourmet meals are way less expensive when cooked at home than they are in a restaurant. I make a point to cook for other reasons---health, having family time around the dinner table, and because I find cooking to be therapeutic. There is no denying however that there is a cost savings associated with it.

What do I do with said cost savings? I like to put them back into things of value and things that make my life brighter. With that being said, here is my Top Ten List of things I like to splurge on.

1. Shoes and Good Handbags----Wear inexpensive clothing if you see fit, but make sure your shoes and hand bags are good quality and really beautiful. Be they from Neiman Marcus, Prada or Vince Camuto---I love really good shoes. Good quality shoes can be wore for years upon years and with the right care and repairs, almost a lifetime. As far as hand bags go, there is nothing worse than a cheap, ugly purse. A few good hand bags will stand the test of time, always look classic and can be worn with almost anything. Try purchasing a couple high quality leather handbags in neutral colors. You will see that they go with almost any outfit you pull out.

2. Blouses---I like to add to my blouse collection when Bergdorf's is having their sale in June and July. I make a mid-summer trip up to NYC every year and I make a point to see what Bergdorf's has by way of blouses. An expensive blouse paired with an inexpensive pair of pants, jeans or a skirt elevates the whole outfit.

3. Dresses----A great dress always feels good. Notice how the most poignant romantic movie moments always seem to center around the female love interest wearing some fabulous dress? There's a reason for that. Dresses tell a story about the wearer---they can be a soft whisper or a loud salsa tune.

4. Jewelry----I like to buy myself one good piece a year. I've added to my collection slowly that way. Remember I said that I bought myself a Christmas present on Saturday? There was a wonderful jewelry trunk show at Neimans and I bought myself a beautiful long necklace.

5. Hermes Scarves---I bought my first Hermes in the early 1980's. To me, they are a symbol of style, grace and elegance and they can be worn forever. Even the simplest, inexpensive outfit looks thoughtfully curated and expensive when topped with an Hermes scarf.

6. Mani/Pedis----I make a point to get a gel manicure and pedicure at my favorite local nail salon every other Sunday. It's an hour and a half that I can zone out and relax and it's important to me that my nails always look pretty and groomed. It costs as much as a casual dinner for two, and I would SO much rather have my nails done.

7. A Tiffany Pen---On my first trip to New York I was absolutely giddy upon my arrival in front of the Tiffany's building. It was such an iconic New York moment to me and I just had to buy something to commemorate it. All I could really afford at the time was a Tiffany pen. I still have it to this day, some 35 years later. I took all of my business school exams with it and I still treasure it. It is pictured up top. The one one the bottom was a gift from my boss when I worked at Bloomingdales.

8. Orchids---Given how available orchids are these days at grocery stores, these aren't even necessarily a splurge. I do consider them to be a simple luxury. I have a few scattered around my house at all times and they do help to set a certain ambiance as well as making me happy every time I walk past them.

9. Good Hair Cut and Hair Products----I've spoken at length about my unruly hair and what tames it is getting regular hair cuts and using good quality hair products. This helps me feel good and look my best. Aveda hair care products are some of my favorites.

10. Bedding and Monograms----I have to have good sheets/bedding---you spend 1/3 of your life asleep---shouldn't it be on something fabulous? I like my sheets to be 400 thread count or more. I personally love the sheets at Costco. I know, I know--Costco. I'm telling you, they're amazing, rivaling some of the most expensive brands I've tried. They come at an amazingly small price to boot. I love to have my sheets, pillowcases and other bedding monogrammed. It is a little luxury that makes all the difference. I also think that there is no substitute for high quality,  monogrammed towels. They elevate your life in a big way.

Loving this classic disco tune today! It was our Pi Phi theme at Tulane.

Last night's dinner was a rack of lamb and a spinach salad---it was so easy and delicious.

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