Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dogs-- How They Add to our Lives and My Theory on Why Their Lives are Short.

Editor's Note: Today I am wearing AG jeans, a Vince silk top, a belt  from Florence that I got in 1985, Kate Spade kitten heels from 2000, and a Necklace that was a gift from Africa.

I have had many dogs in my life and I am always devastated to lose them, but I have a theory on why they only live to be 10 to 15 years old. In our lives we get to know and love many dogs and have them be a part of the passage of our lives. Different dogs are around for different stages of our lives and it's wonderful to have a companion with which to go through each part of our lives.

My first dog that we had when I was little was named Beau, who was a dachshund. I still have a scar from where he bit me on my left hand after I tried to dance with him as a little girl. He didn't particularly find dancing amusing.

After Beau we had Souci, who was a black poodle. Her name was short for Katherine Sans Souci, which means Katherine without worry in French. She was from Mrs. Amon Carter's poodle's litter.

Freida came next--she was a German Short hair and standard poodle mix. After my father died, she rode around with mother and protected her---barking at any car that pulled up next to her.

After that we had Baby, who was a white poodle.

In my adult life we had Sir William of North Bailey, who we called Willie for short. He was a golden retreiver.

While we had Willie we got Brink, who was called that because she was on the brink of death when found by someone in Monticello Park. She was a Springer Spaniel/Beagle Mix and she was so sweet. When I was on bed rest for four and a half months while pregnant with my twins, Brink sat by my side the entire time.

When Willie died, we got Pax from the golden retreiver rescue. He was already named Pax when we got him, which means Peace. We never changed it. Pax is still alive and well today!

Pax and Lacey

When Brink passed, we got Lacey Rue, who is a Border Collie and Springer Spaniel Mix. Her name was a compromise between Riley and Harrison, as Riley originally wanted to name her Rue de Cambon after the street that the first Chanel store in Paris was on. Harrison vetoed that and our compromise was just to have the Rue in there. Lacey is also still alive and well.

Lacey helping Riley study.

How many dogs have you loved in your life? What life stages did they mark for you?

Last night for dinner we had Leftover Tenderloin and black eyed peas.

Love Luther Vandross in general and this is one of my favorites of his.

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